Simple, Fair, Annual Pricing
4,000 – 14,999 Students £10,000
Up to 3,999 Students £7,500
0 – 9,999 Students £3,500
State £750
Prices exclude VAT
Our prices aren’t a joke.
Why is it so cheap? Well, we’re trying to capture the market. We think at this price point, it’s a no brainer.
Want to run it alongside your printed prospectus to see how it performs? Print a few less copies.
Heck, it’s cheaper than a printing mistake!
For colleges, we offer the exact same tooling for converting prospects with ease, at a reduced price point to reflect your budgets and audience numbers.
content import
Import content from CSV, XML or JSon to get up and running quickly
one Included per year
Magical Course Sync
Sync content from your course database into Prospectus Plus
CRM Integration
Send Prospectus Plus user data to your CRM
Coming soon
Shiny Cards
Make your content stand out with unique layouts, designed bespoke to you
Coming soon
All prices exclude VAT
Bulk Discounts
Whether you’re a multi-academy trust, a college group, or you just want different looks for your different provisions – we have discounts to help.
Join the revolution
Jump on a Zoom call, and discuss the future of your prospectus.